If you want to leave a comment email mail@fatoldman.co.uk
Comments On The Music:
I cant stop listening to it not my type of music but fuckin’ hell it’s awesome
Shallow is the greatest song evR
🙂 I keep Therapy on repeat
I think I need THERAPY after lisning to your latest album:)
I thought youd be like a poor man’s Ed Sheeran. Fuk me. I was totally wrong
SUPER fat old MAN
Fat Old Man playing the blues. You better believe it
for real 🙂
Hey, Your tune Bad Women and Intercourse is amazing! I know it’s pretty old song but still love this tune!!!
🙂 come play Newcastle soon
Hot in more ways than one
Luv u
Wow! I wasn’t expecting that. Awesome. Keep up the crazy shit.
Hmmmmmmmmm, let me think I loooooove it
Your musics awesome
Great and very hard to categorise
it really is excellent
That is f£$%^&*(g brilliant, I love it 🙂
no 2 tracks the same 🙂 all great
lovin your downloads
Me and my friends here listening to your Shallow its hot
soundin hot!
i love you
I love your music
Really liked “Eastbourne pier Burning”, it reminds me of something but can’t think what?
Enjoying your music.
I really enjoy your music
bin bouncin 2 all ur toons – up fatters
just stopped by to tell you that your music is worth listening
I love your tune Shallow
I must say you are very very talented
Liking your stuff!
by the way i love the band name haha 🙂
i like the songs 🙂
We think you’re rockin BADDASS!!
your the best =]
Awesome music
Great sounds…
I love how raw the production is. it’s like you captured a moment in time.
just listened to it again and iTunes picked figure of fun by the birthday party to go next to it. and you know what? it didn’t sit that bad. you’re in good company
great track. and really seriously good arrangement and production
your music is fun. Send good energy from Hamburg
you got it HaPpnin’………………WOW
Great Page and Style..
hey, got here via a recommendation from Emyr Thomas. Nice work!!
Your tunes kind of remind me of J.J. Burnell of The Stranglers solo album.
Your lyrics make me smile!
Loving your work
Truly awesome sound!
Some interesting things swirling round here.
Liking “Repo Man” in particular.
it’s a real pleasure listening to your music! very inspired and charming!
Your music is great!!
And nice sound!!!!!!!
You’ve got a nice sound.
I think but I just… is great! Keep it up 🙂
lovin’ the tunes
I was on my way to work last week, I got out of the subway and when I went up to the surface, although it wasn’t raining, there were plenty of students, foreigners, a few old people standing up at the top of the stairs blocking my way, and plenty of ugly people. As I made it out onto the street I pushed my way through some tourist and thought of you when I noticed some policemen looking at me as if they knew what was on my mind.
Yeah! South Street Seaport burning…
Your stuff is pleasingly strange and incoherant. And you’re called Fat Old Man. What’s missing from this picture? Nothing at all, that’s what. Well done.
liking your stuff (fat old) man
Every morning I wake up in pain, there’s a song in my head, it’s always the same: Eastbourne Pier Burning!
Fun stuff!!!
Nice stuff with a lot of humour!
twisted in a fantasic way!!
i really like that name
Love your work
Eastbourne Pier Burning is fucking amazing
i really like that name
ace music
great music..
BRILLIANCE .. FREAKIN BRILLIANT.. we want you on our next sound track
looking good…neither fat nor old…and sounding good…both HOT ‘n’ real COOL!!!
some interesting music keep up the good wrk dude
I particularly enjoyed Eastbourne Pier .
nice name,like your sound!
Very interesting sound!
Cool tunes.
musics good
like your stuff, nice one!
that really is one outstanding name you have.
Fancy pants! I dig ya!
Lamp loves you.
Damien loves Fat Old Man !!!
You have the best stage name that I have ever seen before…YES!!
great Tunes..
it’s barrett with your own original slant
refreshing indeed, there are bits that remind me of early pink floyd,
Likin that sound!
Fat Man’s got a FAT sound.
Cool stuff, man!
diggin your stuffs
i love Eastbourne Pier Burning.
Eastbourne Pier Burning rocks majorly!
You have a great sense of style.
haha you are neither fat nor old! liking your tunes though!
very different!
Puts me in mind of Je Suis Un Rock Star – one of the greatest sarc songs (as I like to call em) of all time (in my opinion) Lush.
refreshing – great stuff.
Like what you have here – top notch trickery.
Totally Unique!
Interesting music. Like the slide guitar.
Can I say you have excellent use of tone without sounding like a wanker?
Gee, you sure sound swell!
Intr!gu!ng… reminded me of an excellent
night on John Peel c. 1980, a fine vintage.
keep on keeping on.
‘Eastbourne Pier…’ and ‘Bad Women…’ are great tracks
Anyway, really interesting sounds there. It all sounds very professional.
I Doz of Mutant love it!!!
I’ve enjoyed your songs!
I like your material. Specially eastbourne Pier burning
Like the Punky Techno crossover. Reminds me of Big Audio Dynamite crossed with the Fall.
Really strangely cool tunes
Great music. Reminds me a little on those 8oies SynthiePop Heroes from Germany!
Sweet songs!
You are AWESOME!
Like your song.
Nice Guitarwork
“I think but i don’t know, is class.” what a choon
Lovely little songs you have there sir
Liking the music a lot
There’s only one like you, thank god. We love it.
Very cool tunes.
Cool songs, original stuff.
Maniacally good
LUV “I think, But I Just Don’t Know”!
We like your style!
Like it, we enjoyed listening, music and fun, you know it makes sense.
I like what I hear and will be joining your for some righteous and beautiful FOM experiences very very soon
Great name, great sound.