This is a website dedicated to the UK musician: Fat Old Man

Apparently someone has put many of Fat Old Man’s albums on youtube (without videos) This has nothing to do with us, however if your happy to listen to Fatter’s music through youtube we don’t mind.
This web site is still getting a lot of hits from China. Fat Old Man would like to thank them. China is now 3rd in the monthly table of hits with way over a thousand. Apparently he used to take a Xiangqi set (Chinese Chess set) everywhere he went and when he took it out it was only a matter of time before someone of Chinese descent would challenge him. He normally lost!
29th January All here wish our Chinese visitors s hsppy new year. Fat Old Man is involved with several projects at the moment. That means it slows everything down. Also he is holding back content so it can be released as full albums.. He will give us some tasters in the coming weeks.
6th Jamuary Mrs Fat has submitted her calamdar (and Stan’s) All new content soon.
24th December Fat Old Man wishes everyone a happy Xmas and a great New Year. 2024 was a tough year for Fatters: several serious operations, serious spine injury, norovirus. He found the site had been hacked and emails were sent about his death (that took a lot of work to rectify) The list goes on. He seems to overcome the worst of it so hopefully 2025 he’ll be back on track. Fat Old Man has promised new content soon. The Mrs Fat Calendar should be out in the best couple of weeks.
Fat Old Man should also be recording again very very soon. so keep checking back. Despite no new content for a while, the site has still thousands of visitors a month. The most visitors are from the US and China as well as UK and Germany always scoring high. It is also nice to see and hear from fans all over the World. REMEMBER only comments that are a bit different are published.
1st November A halloween photo has been added to the Mrs Fat page.
8th October A cover version of Motorhead’s Ace Of Spades. has been added to the collaboration page. The vocals are done by the awesome singer from the USA, Reg, Fatters has used this as an excuse to tell everyone when Lemmy from Motorhead bought him a drink, again.
28th September 2 new photos in The Odd Box. On of Fat Old Man’s dog and the other is a piece of artwork.
28th September It has been a long time. There has been holidays, etc there has also been a massive carash of Fat Old Man’s hard drives. Most work has been recovered but not all the music he was working on. He was nearly ready to publish a few new tunes and this has set him back a long time. Fat Old Man is now ready to continue recording etc and has been working on a couple of tracks with Salty (an old collaborator from Australia)
Data is in from the last few months with a crazy month of May with over 50 000 hits. June dropped to what was previously considered gigh with over 15 000 and July seems to be at least as good. So thank you for coming back
22nd July A collaboration with Ponytail Pete and can be found at the bottom (Number 5) of The Collaborations page. It’s a stripped down version of his New York Mining Disaster 1941 (Originally by The Bee Gees). The sound of the instruments are meant to mirror the sound of the rescuers machines. Sadly there is no happy ending.
Despite the length of time with no new contentt we are getting more hits than any other year. China’s hits have overtaken the US as our most frequent visitors. (all our figures have bot visits removed) however we get monyjly visitors from around the world. I will have to hurry Fatters up so eveyone can get some new content.
22nd June A quick, fun and almost psychedelic piece of Blue Grass inspired music added to the Odd and Rare page. It doesn’t quite fit there like his Flamenco piece so he might add yet anothe page of downloadable music. Stop giving your music away and make more money is our advice but he’s not interested. Another possible track for the “maybe” album of stereotypical music from around the world.
19th June Firstly we apologise for any down time as we had to sort out the ssl certificate. It’s now sorted for another year, During the sorting out of the ssl we found over 2000 emails (and messages) sent to the email address that were not forwarded. They were mostly spam and were deleted. We are very sorry if any emails or messages sent by genuine visitors were deleted with them. Pleases keep sending messages, photos etc in. The error is now sorted.
Secondly we have had a surge of visitors in May. China continues its rise to with nearly 6000, Bulgaria, Australia and Russia all have significant surges but there was over hits33000 from the US. The total (removing bots) was over 52000. June has settled back into a more usual pattern but happily still higher than average ( which last year was around 1000 a month)
Thirdly and most importantly Fatters is working on a few tracks including a couple of collaborations and more stereotypical music from around the world after the huge success of his “A Classic Piece of Flamenco” in the Old and Rare Tracks page His eyes only work well for short periods of time so it is slow, but it getting better all the time.
19th April A new photo added to The Odd Box Gallery and a mustr see photo in The Mrs Fat Gallery too. A new track has been added to the Old And Rare Tracks page. It’s a flamenco track and a little out of place here. It is also downloadable.
5th February A few mistakes corrected. Including a model number of a Gretsch on the guitar page. Fat Old Man said that it has reminded him that he has a few more guitars to add to that page so guitar fans keep checking back.
HEALTH ISSUE 1:Fat Old Man has been going blind over tthe last year. He has now had an operation which has taken him a few weeks to recover from. This has slowed down recording. photo shoots and gigs. The good news is that he can now see again (although bruised and in pain) and he is hoping to give us more content to add to this page soon although it ll take him a couple more weeks to recover. Hopefully a nrw album out this year.
HEALTH ISSUE 2: Fat Old Man IS NOT DEAD. There is a rumour going round that Fat Old Man is dead (maybe because of lack of content om this site which has now been explained as an eye operation) This is not the case.
25th August While recording a more serious, gritty version of the brilliant Jimmy C Newman’s Alligator Man, Fat Old Man came up with this.. Mrs Fat suggested it sounded like Clangers. The track has been added to the main music page (not the Old And Rare as suggested in an earlier post) and some fun artwork in the main gallery.
We ve had several complaints that the bass is overwhelming in How Soon Is Now on the CD version. We are looking into this. At the moment we suggest turn the bass down on your playing device, while Fat Old Man looks to remix it for CDs and stereos (not mobiles). Then if you email us with an address, we can resend a new version of the CD!! Sorry.
A link to download the finished album, Rewriting History with cover art, is now available to download from a link on the Rewriting History Page. Until it has been trialed for a while the songs will still be available to play from the same this page.
If you want to buy a CD instead of downloading Rewriting History it is now available from the shop. The critically acclaimed Middle Aged Fantasies is now available from the shop as a CD too (it is still available from the main download/streaming sites)
Remember if you want to stream or download tracks or albums: Fat Old Man has many albums out on itunes, spotify, amazon etc. so while we are sorting out this site you can still have your Fat Old Man fix.

like what I heard on your page. fun tunes and the drums sound nice too…
One of our favourite gigging artists here is Fat Old Man, with a stunnimg collection of albums under his belt and a perpetual movement approach to gigging.
…is the Fat Old Man, a fixture of the live circuit over the last (gord knows how many) years, and a supreme, punk songwriter of the old school. But much as I’d love to introduce you to his music, that will have to wait for another day as this is instead the first instalment of a journey that will see us tiptoe through the tulips of a guitar collection as idiosyncratic as the man himself, that is never straightforward, always visually intriguing but never forgets that each guitar is a tool and has to earn its corn…
If you are new to Fat Old Man’s eccentricities, I recommend his new album, The World According to Fat Old Man. It has a much more mainstream sound than his previous albums but it still has enough convention breaking madness for his hardcore fans. Songs that particularly stand out are I Don’t Want and Little Miss Perfect.
he is bonkers cool, which we like lotso
weirder than mike skinner; easier to dance to than syd barrett
I was intrigued by Fat Old Man’s material! “I Think But I Don’t Know” I felt blended particularly nicely Fat Old Man’s fascinating lyrics and excellent musical backing tracks. Really unique, inventive music – usually all too much of a rarity in today’s music scene!
First-rate chip-shop hip-hop from the Becks-guzzling bard of Eastbourne (or lard of Eastbourne, depending on your point of view?). Home-made gems such as The Smaller Slice Of Cake and Eastbourne Pier Burning …
“The most surprising thing about Fat old Man’s music is how diverse it is Fat Old Man manages to blend so many genres together and it came out sounding great. Very few artists can genre jump and it come out being decent, let alone very well put together like this. Each song has so many elements in it and so it is no surprise that Fat Old Man has eclectic mix of fans. He incorporates something for everyone to enjoy in his songs. The songs are happy, they are relaxing, they are silly, makes you want to dance, makes you want to think, they are fun but serious at the same time. I think too many artists are scared to experiment and cross over into new things because they are too worried about staying ‘punk’ or ‘metal’ or ‘pop’ or ‘hip hop’ or whatever it may be and they just end up sounding generic and diluted, unlike Fat Old Man.”
“Not quite as stout or aged as his name suggests, Fat Old Man looks something like a sleazier John Sessions. At one recent gig, the ironic “Bad Women and Intercourse” became an unlikely anthem adopted by the lager louts in the audience, who threw bread rolls at him until he agreed to sing it again. Fat Old Man likes a tipple on stage and is not afraid to let it all hang out while Mrs Fat operates the backing tapes and the audience is conquered by the sheer bloody cheek of his (non-) performance.”
” It reminds me of Gorillaz, yet real unique.” Spitz from The HAA Group.
“Yes, he’s fat, he’s old and he’s a man, goddamit! He also lives rather appropriately in Eastbourne where it is a tradition for old people to go to spend their twilight years. Recently, the Man has been receiving a lot of e-mails from some slightly scary gangsta rappers from East LA who for some reason think he’s a kindred spirit. A sort of grown-up, thinking man’s The Streets with a better sense of humour. Excellent new CD Eastbourne Pier Burning is out now.”
Stained: “a collection of technodelic tracks that are in keeping with the experimental spirit of early Pink Floyd.”

Comments On The Music From Fans
I cant stop listening to it not my type of music but fuckin’ hell it’s awesome
Shallow is the greatest song evR
🙂 I keep Therapy on repeat
I think I need THERAPY after lisning to your latest album:)
I thought youd be like a poor man’s Ed Sheeran. Fuk me. I was totally wrong
SUPER fat old MAN
Fat Old Man playing the blues. You better believe it
for real 🙂
Hey. Your tune Bad Women and Intercourse is amazing! I Know it’s pretty old song but still love this tune!!!
🙂 come play Newcastle soon
Hot in more ways than one
Luv u
Wow! I wasn’t expecting that.
Keep up the crazy shit.Hmmmmmmmmm.
let me think I loooooove it
Your musics awesome
Great and very hard to categorise
it really is excellent
That is f?$%^&*(g brilliant, I love it 🙂
no 2 tracks the same 🙂
all great lovin your downloads
Me and my friends here listening to your Shallow its hot soundin hot!
i love you
I love your music
Really liked “Eastbourne pier Burning”, it reminds me of something but can’t think what
Enjoying your music.
I really enjoy your music
bin bouncin 2 all ur toons – up fatters
just stopped by to tell you that your music is worth listening
I love your tune Shallow
I must say you are very very talented
Liking your stuff!
by the way i love the band name haha 🙂
i like the songs 🙂
We think you’re rockin BADDASS!!
your the best =]
Awesome music
Great sounds…
I love how raw the production is.
it’s like you captured a moment in time.
just listened to it again and iTunes picked figure of fun by the birthday party to go next to it. and you know what? it didn’t sit that bad. you’re in good company
great track.and really seriously good arrangement and production
your music is fun. Send good energy from Hamburg
you got it HaPpnin’………………WOW
Great Page and Style..
hey, got here via a recommendation from Emyr Thomas. Nice work!!
Your tunes kind of remind me of J.J. Burnell of The Stranglers solo album.
Your lyrics make me smile!
Loving your work
Truly awesome sound!
Some interesting things swirling round here.Liking “Repo Man” in particular.
it’s a real pleasure listening to your music! very inspired and charming!
Your music is great!! And nice sound!!!!!!!
You’ve got a nice sound.
I think but I just… is great! Keep it up 🙂
If you want to leave a comment about Fat Old Man’s music email him at

Reviews of recent gigs:
Gig Preview:This is a rare chance to see Eastboune’s legendary, reclusive, songsmith, Fat Old Man.
It was really entertaining .The shows in Brighton & your music is fun!!
another classic F.O.M. performance!
Must say that I enjoyed your set at No Wankers Aloud last night, was most entertaining.
Fat Old Man was ace and Fat Old Man’s mate was a lunatic! Highlights for me were … Fat Old Man’s quite alarming rendition of Waiting for the Worms…
Fat Old Man’s football chant could be a hit single if he cared to put it out there into the world
The Fat Old Man is a great stage performer. Also with lots of humour!
I thought Fat Old Man’s set was rather good, different , and a bit of ob je dar

Pink Floyd
Fat Old Man has always been a big fan of Pink Floyd and has performed at Pink Floyd Tribute nights doing his psychadelic/techno versions of early Pink Floyd tracks. Fat Old Man’s cover version of Pink Floyd’s On The Run is part of Neptune Pink Floyd’s 3 CD tribute None Of Us Is Pink ans Fat Old Man’s version of Waiting For The Worms is included on Neptune Pink Floyd’s 3 CD tribute NPF Tribute Volume 2: The Return of the Sons of Neptune. Versions of Chapter 24 and Mathilda Mother were going to be included in an up and coming tribute CD set. Sadly due to copyright reasons the sets of CDs are no longer available at any more.

Future Projects:
Fat Old Man has a couple of tracks then some artwork to design for his new covers album Rewriting History. He will try to upload as many tracks as possibly to a special page on this site, however when it is finished it will only be available in its entirety from a link given out on this site.
Fat Old Man may try and finish some unfinished tracks from Rewriting History and record Rewriting History 2, which will be given away in the same way.
Fat Old Man has started to work on a new album of original tracks. Expect it out early 2021
Fat Old Man may make an album of re-recorded tracks from bands he was in previously.